

CN_Map (Clara Nguyen's Map) is a generic associative data structure that gives C programmers a way to store data in key/value pairs. It is an implementation of the self-balancing Red-Black Tree.

In CN_Maps, users are able to store any type they wish for both keys and values. Key values are sorted and must be unique.

What to include

Include the following files in your project:

#include "cn_cmp.h"
#include "cn_map.h"
Unlike other CNDS libraries, this one recommends the inclusion of 2 files:

Datatypes added

CN_Map is a library. It adds structs, typedefs, and functions that users are able to use. Here are what it contains:




Besides constructors, All "cn_map" functions take a "CN_MAP" data type in front of it. This may be misleading at first, since CN_MAP is actually a pointer type. So function calls do not copy the data structure. Do note this if you decide to expand on this library.

Why the typedefs? If I need to make a hotfix on types in this library, it'd be a single line of code changed.

Container Properties


Grab it from GitHub, here:

Example Usage

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "cn_cmp.h"
#include "cn_map.h"

main() {
	CN_MAP map = cn_map_init(char, int, cn_cmp_char);

	char key;
	int  value;

	//Put in a-z with 0-25 in as key/value pairs.
	for (key = 'a', value = 0; key <= 'z'; key++, value++) {
		cn_map_insert(map, &key, &value);

	//Iterate through

	for (cn_map_begin(map, &it); !cn_map_at_end(map, &it); cn_map_next(map, &it)) {
			"%c -> %d\n",
			cn_map_iterator_key  (&it, char),
			cn_map_iterator_value(&it, int)